Source code for tomography_tutorial.functions

import os
import pickle
import shutil
import numpy as np
from osgeo import gdal
from scipy import ndimage
import subprocess as sp
from .ancillary import cbfi

[docs]def start(notebook): """ Create a custom copy of the jupyter notebook with a name defined buy the user and start it. The notebook is only copied from the package if it does not yet exist. Jupyter notebook files have the extension '.ipynb'. If the defined notebook does not contain this extension it is appended automatically. Parameters ---------- directory: str the name of the custom notebook Returns ------- """ source_basename = 'tutorial.ipynb' target_dir = os.path.dirname(notebook) if not os.path.isdir(target_dir): os.makedirs(target_dir) if not notebook.endswith('.ipynb'): notebook += '.ipynb' if not os.path.isfile(notebook): source = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), source_basename) # copy the tutorial notebook from the directory of the installed package to the user directory shutil.copyfile(source, notebook) sp.check_call(['jupyter', 'notebook', notebook], cwd=target_dir)
[docs]def read_data(input, outname, overwrite=False): """ read the raw input data into a numpy array and write the results Parameters ---------- input: str or list a single image file name or a list of multiple files outname: str the name of the file to be written. overwrite: bool overwrite an existing file? Otherwise it is read from file and returned Returns ------- numpy.ndarray an array in 2D (one file) or 3D (multiple files) """ if overwrite or not os.path.isfile(outname): if len(input) == 0: raise RuntimeError('img_list is empty') imgfile = gdal.Open(input[0]) rows = imgfile.RasterYSize cols = imgfile.RasterXSize dtype = gdal.GetDataTypeName(imgfile.GetRasterBand(1).DataType) imgfile = None if dtype == 'CFloat32': offset = 0 elif dtype == 'Float32': offset = 1 else: raise RuntimeError('data type must be either "CFloat32" or "Float32"') img_stack = np.empty((rows, cols, len(input) + offset), np.complex64) for ii, img_path in enumerate(input): # Read the image file into the array imgfile = gdal.Open(img_path) img_stack[:, :, ii + offset] = imgfile.ReadAsArray() imgfile = None # save the variable with open(outname, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(img_stack, f, 2) else: with open(outname, 'rb') as f: img_stack = pickle.load(f) return img_stack
[docs]def topo_phase_removal(img_stack, dem_stack, outname, overwrite=False): """ Removal of Topographical Phase. If the target file already exists and ``overwrite=False`` this function acts as a simple file reader. Parameters ---------- img_stack: numpy.ndarray the SLC image stack dem_stack: numpy.ndarray the image stack containing flat earth and topographic phase outname: str the name of the file to be written overwrite: bool overwrite an existing file? Otherwise it is read from file and returned Returns ------- numpy.ndarray the normalized SLC stack """ if overwrite or not os.path.isfile(outname): normalized_stack = img_stack * np.exp(complex(0, 1) * dem_stack, dtype=np.complex64) # save the variable with open(outname, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(normalized_stack, f, 2) else: with open(outname, 'rb') as f: normalized_stack = pickle.load(f) return normalized_stack
[docs]def calculate_covariance_matrix(img_stack, outname, kernelsize=10, overwrite=False): """ compute the covariance matrix. If the target file already exists and ``overwrite=False`` this function acts as a simple file reader. Parameters ---------- img_stack: numpy.ndarray the normalized SLC image stack outname: str the name of the file to be written kernelsize: int the boxcar smoothing dimension overwrite: bool overwrite an existing file? Otherwise it is read from file and returned Returns ------- numpy.ndarray the covariance matrix """ if overwrite or not os.path.isfile(outname): rows, cols, nTrack = img_stack.shape kernel = np.ones((kernelsize, kernelsize)) weight = kernel / np.sum(kernel) cov_matrix = np.empty((rows, cols, nTrack, nTrack), np.complex64) smooth = np.empty((rows, cols, nTrack), np.float32) for i in range(0, nTrack): mm = np.absolute(img_stack[:, :, i]) ** 2 smooth[:, :, i] = ndimage.convolve(mm, weight, mode='reflect') for i in range(0, nTrack): for j in range(0, nTrack): # multiply S1 and complex conjugate of S2 ms = np.multiply(img_stack[:, :, i], np.conjugate(img_stack[:, :, j])) ms_real_smooth = ndimage.convolve(ms.real, weight, mode='reflect') ms_imag_smooth = complex(0, 1) * ndimage.convolve(ms.imag, weight, mode='reflect') ms_smooth = ms_real_smooth + ms_imag_smooth cov_matrix[:, :, i, j] = ms_smooth / (smooth[:, :, i] * smooth[:, :, j]) ** 0.5 # save the variable with open(outname, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(cov_matrix, f, 2) else: with open(outname, 'rb') as f: cov_matrix = pickle.load(f) return cov_matrix
[docs]def capon_beam_forming_inversion(covmatrix, kz_array, outname, height=70, overwrite=False): """ perform the capon beam forming inversion to create the final tomographic result. If the target file already exists and ``overwrite=False`` this function acts as a simple file reader. Parameters ---------- covmatrix: numpy.ndarray the covariance matrix kz_array: numpy.ndarray the wave number stack outname: str the name of the file to be written height: int the maximum inversion height overwrite: bool overwrite an existing file? Otherwise it is read from file and returned Returns ------- numpy.ndarray the tomographic array """ if overwrite or not os.path.isfile(outname): rows, cols, nTrack = covmatrix.shape[0:3] # reshape and stack the input arrays for easier vectorization stack = np.empty((rows, cols, nTrack + nTrack ** 2), np.complex64) stack[:, :, 0:(nTrack ** 2)] = covmatrix.reshape((rows, cols, nTrack ** 2)) stack[:, :, (nTrack ** 2):] = kz_array # perform the actual computations capon_bf = np.apply_along_axis(cbfi, axis=2, arr=stack, nTrack=nTrack, height=height) capon_bf = np.real(capon_bf).astype(np.float32) with open(outname, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(capon_bf, f, 2) else: with open(outname, 'rb') as f: capon_bf = pickle.load(f) return capon_bf